The Page of Cups approaches, hat in hand, offering their cup. They are the very picture of willing vulnerability.
Pages represent beginnings, messages, something new, a young person or any person who is looking at things with the wonder of a child. Since the suit of Cups has to do with emotions and matters of the heart, I like to think of this card as a prompt to keep my heart open to new experiences, new relationships, and new feelings.
This card can also represent an opportunity or gift being extended to you. It’s yours for the taking.
It also sometimes marks the beginning of a new creative project, or news on its way of a birth, engagement, or such.
For me, this card is a reminder that the really good things happen when we make ourselves vulnerable. In trying times, especially, it’s a great temptation to close ourselves off from others, to protect ourselves, to hide and to hesitate. But it is in open hearted sharing that we make the vital connections which fuel our joy and happiness.
Especially in this time when we are all coping with the world health crisis, and as we keep physical distance from each other, more than ever we need to open our hearts to giving and to receiving. This is not the time to hide one’s light under a bushel, nor to refuse the hand of help.
I come to you, my hat in my hand, my cup extended. Won’t you sip?
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