I wrote pretty extensively about The Hierophant card in a previous post, so I’ll just do a quick recap here, and then add some observations apropos of the day.
This card represents structured socialization beyond the family – things like education and religious training. It depicts the “keeper of the keys” and those who submit to ritualized discipline.
Turning up, as it did, on this Wednesday of Holy Week, it reminded me of the value of formal religious practices and traditions.
Throughout Lent this year, I have been praying the Officium Divinum each day. In the mornings I pray the Office of Readings, and then read some other devotional or inspirational literature. In the evenings, I pray Vespers. I find that the practice (which is centered on the Psalms) has raised a lot of questions for me, and made me more than a little uncomfortable on occasion. I have some difficulty relating to the God described in many of the readings, particularly ones from the Old Testament. Still, I believe that this daily practice is giving me comfort in the face of the virus pandemic. I must confess that I’m not sure why this is the case, but I’m grateful anyway.