Mage for the Age
The Hierophant card in the Thoth deck is a striking departure visually from the Marseilles or RWS versions of the card, with their staid and stately depictions of the presider and two acolytes of ages past. Lady Harris’ Hierophant is dynamic and vibrant, and seems to be living the mystery, not merely invoking it.
The imagery is incredibly rich and dense. The four living creatures are depicted at the corners. The Priestess assisting on the card is Venus Herself. The Hierophant is the embodiment of the hexagram, and he bears our human nature in the form of a child in a pentagram on his breast. Heaven and earth are one commonweal. There are also bull and elephant, representing the sign of this Astrological Trump card, Taurus.
I could not resist thinking about Ganesh upon seeing the elephants on this card, and recalling these words from the Guru Prayer.
Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheshwara
Guru Sakshat, Param Brahma, Tasmai Shri Guravay Namah
Our creation is the guru; the duration of our lives is the guru; all of our trials, tribulations, sufferings and death are the guru. The guru is near and the guru is beyond all. To the beautiful one who brings me from darkness to light, to thee I bow and offer my life.
God, Guru and Self are the same. All One.
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