There’s trouble on the left but hope on the right in this week’s four card Sunday Morning Spread.
Physical Dimension – Seven of Swords
On the Tree of Life this card is Netzach in Yetzirah. Astrologically, it represents the Moon in Aquarius. I think of this card as something that is being overlooked, or some sort of deception (either self-deception or a swindle of some sort). Take a second look this week in matters of health or finances, because things may not be what they first seem.
Social/Emotional Dimension – The Hierophant
This is the Zodiacal Trump of Taurus, and the Hebrew Letter “Vau.” It represents formal acculturation and education. When I see this card, I think of schools, churches, and other such institutions. It can also represent apprenticeship or discipleship of some sort – learning from a master.
In the dimension of our livesĀ which concerns feelings and relationships with others, it may indicate that we should approach emotional or social well being this week in a more formal, studious way, or through the mediation of a societal or cultural institution.
Mental Dimension – Five of Wands
This card represents Saturn in Leo. Pent up desires or conflicting passions are causing pressure or strife in the week to come. Don’t try to keep the lid on the pressure cooker. Ride it out or let it blow.
Spiritual Dimension – The Sun
The Planetary Trump of Sol, representing the Hebrew Letter “Resh” means exactly what one might expect. It is light and warmth and beauty, and a return to one’s most innocent and perfect nature.
In the Spiritual dimension, the light is bursting forth this week. We should bask in this light, and reflect it into the world as best we can.
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