Our Four Card Energy Reading for the Week to Come
Physical/Material Dimension: Four of Disks
Social/Emotional Dimension: Adjustment
Mental Dimension: The Emperor
Spiritual Dimension: Card XIII (Death)
Big energy moving around this week, with three Trump Cards in the mix.
There is stability and strong foundational energy in the physical, financial, material realm of life as we begin the week. It may be a good time to get organized (beginning a structured physical training regimen, adopting a diet program, establishing a budget, etc.).
In the social and emotional realm, balancing energy is either present or needed. Rely on the sense of balance if present, or help to introduce it if not.
In the mental dimension, we have more structured, well-governed and organized energy indicated. Take some time to organize studies and thoughts if structure is not already well in place.
In the spiritual dimension of life, a new beginning is being stirred up. Transformation is in the works.
I’d love to read your comments, impressions, thoughts and questions!
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