Carry the Torch
The Ace of Wands is the card of primordial energy. Aces are the cards of origins or beginnings and Wands are the suit of spirit and passion. So this card can represent the spark of imagination or the start of a new creative project.
In Pollack’s LWB for the Crystal Skull deck, she notes that fire can be used for creative and destructive purposes.
At the Easter Vigil Mass in the Roman Catholic tradition, a new fire is set ablaze (usually an outdoor bonfire) and from it the Easter Candle is lit. That candle is used to light smaller candles held by everyone in attendance. It is a marvelous sight to behold as the light spreads throughout the darkened building.
For me, at this time, the Ace poses the question of where to direct our energy. We can carry the torch forward, spreading warmth and light, or we can burn things down.
It only takes one spark.