The Six of Swords depicts a final departure. The characters are leaving behind everything that is familiar to them, heading together toward calmer waters and a new life.
Daily Draw | The Magician 121220
The Magician has everything that he needs in his hand and on the table.
Daily Draw | King of Cups 121120
Cups are the suit of the element of water, the only “element” in the deck that changes states. It can take on the form of a vessel, or it can almost seem to be formless, at least in the short runs, traveling its course through the vales on a journey to the sea.
Daily Draw | Ace of Wands 121020
The Ace of Wands turned up on Sunday as well. It represents the primordial spark of spirit.
Daily Draw | The Star 120920
The Star is one of my very favorite cards in the entire deck. Primarily, for me, it represents the sort of deep, assured, “True North” guidance we get when we are aligned with our best selves and attuned to the silence within us.