This card represents a lost investment, or something that failed to come to fruition. Saturn in Taurus. Netzach (long suffering patience) in the realm of earth. But even when we suffer loss, our work is never really wasted.
Daily Draw 053121 and 060121
These are the last of the regular Daily Draws that I’ll be posting here for awhile. I will be continuing to post to the Flickr set, and will be posting here from time to time only when I have extensive notes on the cards to share.
Daily Draw | Lust 053021
Thoth Atu XI is a good example of what makes the deck so unique. Angels and Saints and Poets and Whores and Warriors and Love and Death and the Holy Grail…
Daily Draw | Four of Cups 052921
Lush Life
Daily Draw | Five of Swords 052821
Don’t bring a knife to a nuke fight.