Force of Nature
The Ace of Wands sits atop the Tree of Life in Atziluth, the first “world” (or spiritual plane) of the Kabbalah. This top, or “Kether” position in Atziluth, represents the Infinite Light of the Creator in the most pure form as it begins its descent into the realm of matter.
This may seem a little too deep to grasp, depending on one’s level of caffeination. In simple terms, this Ace represents primordial energy – the sort of energy released in the Big Bang at the dawn of creation. It is the pure source, the first fire. Fiat lux.
When we see this card, it is a reminder that there is an energy which flows through everything, and which is everything, in which we ourselves “live and move and have our being.”
This Ace follows quite a long series of other Wands cards and Major Arcana cards which have turned up over the past couple of weeks. I take it as a sign that I am drawing closer to the light.