Look Within
La Papesse in the Marseille deck is the High Priestess card in most current decks (and Juno in the JJ Swiss version).
When I see this card, it suggests that it’s time to focus inward, and to listen to the still, small voice of Wisdom within.
There is an ancient tradition which associates intuitive wisdom with a feminine aspect of the divine. In Judeo-Christian terms “She is the breath of the power of God, and a pure influence flowing from the glory of the Almighty” (as described in the Book of Wisdom 7:25). I think of Wisdom as the “indwelling Holy Spirit.” She is also known as “Sophia” (whence comes the word “philosophy,” the love of wisdom).
There is a mantra that I sometimes use in meditation called the Adi Mantra (meaning “first” mantra). It is “Ong Namo Guru Dev Namo” which means “I bow to the Creative Wisdom, I bow to the Divine Teacher within.” That Divine Teacher, the Guru Dev, is called to mind with the Papesse card.
I have been tense and irritable for a couple of days now, but didn’t realize it until this morning. Yesterday’s Five of Swords might have been a hint. The fact that my own temperament remained hidden from me is a good indication that I need to spend some additional time in meditation and prayer today, to look within to the indwelling, nurturing Spirit of Wisdom.
I bow to the Divine Teacher.