Today we’re back to the fiery Wands energy that we saw so much of in last week’s draws. As you probably remember, the suit stands principally for passion and spirit.
Waite’s version of this card depicts a character on a hill with a staff in their hands, and six other staves rising up toward them from below. Presumably, these are attackers, and the character is fending off blows. There is a look of serene determination and confidence on the character’s face, and they are in perfect balance while wielding the staff. It’s a depiction of holding one’s own against all odds.
The phrases that come to mind when I see this card are “maintain your balance, keep to the high ground, stay strong.”
Endurance when feeling besieged is the main theme of the card, for me. It turned up on a day where it was welcome and appropriate in my life, and I suspect that this message will be important to many of us in the weeks to come.
The next time you feel like you’re surrounded and playing whack a mole with problems, remember that you have all of the resources in your spirit to fend off the siege. Stay strong, keep your balance, and hold the high ground.
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