My daily draw this morning was the Ten of Wands.
I am loving this Pitisci Marseille deck. It’s teaching me so much about how to read.
Pitisci’s way of teaching and reading the cards is deceptively simple. He has a keyword or set of keywords to express the main idea of each card, and makes associations from those in the same way that you would create a mind map.
For the Minor Arcana, he uses a single idea for each rank. For instance, all aces represent a new concept or beginning. All twos represent a choice, etc. This key concept for each rank can then be combined with the key concept for each suit to add further context.
Tens represent “completion” in Pitisci’s method, the end of a cycle and beginning of another. Wands represent spirit or passion. So we might look at this card as indicating a time to reap the harvest of spiritual work or of a “passion project.”
The RWS deck depicts a character who has gathered up ten staves, and seems to be struggling to carry them and keep them all together. So, again, this could simply indicate reaping abundance, but to me, the card has always brought to mind my mother’s warning against carrying a “lazy man’s load.” She would always advise making two trips if needed, rather than to drop something by trying to carry everything all at once.
There’s an old Hippie credo from the years of my misspent youth, when the punishment for marijuana possession was still severe. “Never carry more than you can eat.” By that standard, the character on Waite’s Ten of Wands has bitten off more than he can chew. 🙂
I think that for me, at this time, this card means that it’s time to gather in some of the results of my efforts, perhaps from one website project or another, or perhaps from the work I’ve been doing in my personal life. While looking for opportunities to do so, though, I’ll remember to travel light, and make “several trips” if necessary. Even our rewards can sometimes be burdens.
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