I always feel blessed when this card turns up, and think of it as the Minor Arcana echo of The Lovers card from the trumps.
Twos represent choices, and partners. And remember that Cups is the Tarot deck’s suit of “hearts.” So the message of this card, for me, is to follow the choice of your heart. When you make the right choice, it just feels right.
The Two of Cups appears as either advice to follow your heart, or affirmation that you did well in doing so.
This can be about things other than romantic relationships, of course, but it can also be literally about such a relationship.
I like to think of the lovers sharing their cups on the Waite version of this card as my wife and I. After all of our years together, she is still the most fascinating person in the world to me, and I am especially thankful for the cups we share together, each bringing our own unique gifts and perspectives to our marriage. I’m grateful for the life that we’ve built together, and for the influence she has had on the person I’m becoming.
Are you struggling with a decision at the moment? Listen to your heart.
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