Cups are the suit of emotions and relationships. The larger the number of cups, the more complex.
Enrique Enriquez has described the sequence of Cups as a party, where more and more people join as the numbers progress, everybody drinking and having a good time.
So when we get to the Seven of Cups, we’re dealing with a lot of “others” and the issues involved in relating to the group – fitting in, and being yourself.
Ben-Dov describes the card this way.
Individuality. A single person finding his place in a group. Contact with people in high positions. Exceptional qualities are appreciated.
The Rider Waite Smith version of the card depicts a character standing before a display of cups, each of them a sort of fantasy. I’ve described the card as “distraction, temptations, too many choices, misdirection or illusion.”
For some reason, when the card turned up today, the phrase “if you can dream it, you can be it” came to mind.
Are our aspirations just illusions and distractions? Can one be true to oneself, and still fit in with society?
I suppose that these questions are easier for some of us to face than they are for some others. 🙂
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