Apropos of the First Day of Spring 2021, the Two of Cups turns up.
Daily Draw | Seven of Coins 031921
The Seven of Coins is the card of the laborer, apropos of St. Joseph’s Day.
Daily Draw | Two of Coins 031821
The Two of Coins represents the choices we make that have a material impact on our lives.
Daily Draw | Page of Swords 031721
I tend to think of the Page of Swords as the young, intrepid explorer, out to discover the world with their sharp (but untested) mind. This morning when the card turned up, I got a bit of a different vibe.
Daily Draw | Ten of Wands 031421
The Ten of Wands represents the completion of a cycle in the dimension of our life having to do with spirit, meaning and passion. It could be the culmination of a “labor of love” project or a spiritual endeavor.