As noted before the Nine of Swords is seen by some as the card of anxiety and nightmares. It’s appearance this morning prompted me to consider what is at the root of many of our most crippling anxieties and insecurities – shame.
Daily Draw | Knight of Swords 042720
As I wrote before about the Knight of Swords, this is the card of charging forward into the fray. The question is whether it should serve as a prompt to action, and an indication that the time is favorable, or as a warning that one is being hasty. Discernment and context are the keys to interpretation.
Daily Draw | Five of Swords 042020
This card is an example of a card turning up that I’m having trouble relating to my life, because I’m not aware of even a hint of any of contention or conflict which it represents.
Daily Draw | Queen of Swords 041720
I see this Queen as representing the ability to parse through a vast amount of complex information and arrive at a clear analysis, and also the ability to patiently explain the information to others in a clear and direct manner.
Daily Draw | Five of Swords 041420
The Five of Swords is the card of change and conflict.