Thoth Deck Devil
Daily Draw | Princess of Swords 043021
The Princess of Swords is “earth of air” – where the sylph like energy solidifies. Crowley speaks about her bringing about “the materialization of Idea.”
Three-Card Thursday 042921
Three Cards for the Weekend to Come – Plus “Conceptual Blending”
Daily Draw | Nine of Wands 042921
This card is the fifth of the Wands suit to appear in a row, with the Fool card wedged in among them two days ago, and I believe it solves the puzzle, with its simple message “Keep Moving.”
Conceptual Blending and Tarot
Early on in my Tarot journey, I ran across a video of author Vincent Pitisci’s lecture at the Theosophical Society, presenting his thoughts on what makes the Tarot such a powerful tool for problem-solving and developing one’s intuition.