The Five of Wands is the card of unfocused, disorganized energy.
Fives represent change, and Wands the realm of the spirit. So this could be a sense of longing or the surfacing of a passionate desire that has yet to find an outlet or optimal focus. It may reflect a breakdown in the status quo, or a loss of balance or equilibrium. It might also portend a period of conflict or competition.
This card’s diffuse, scattered energy reminds me of the old metaphor about air travel. It’s part of the nature of manned flight that most aircraft during their journeys are off course a majority of the time. By focusing on the destination and making corrections along the way, most of them ultimately end up where they should.
Change comes when we are ready or not. During moments of confusion and turbulence, it’s more important than ever that we keep our own energies focused on the things which are most important to us.