The Road and the Sky
The Ten of Disks is the card of Malkuth (the final sephirot) in the earthly plane (the final suit). It marks the completion of our journey through the Tarot deck.
Here are some of Crowley’s notes on the card from the Book of Thoth.
Completion of material gain and fortune; but nothing beyond: as it were, at the very pinnacle of success. Old age, slothfulness; great wealth, yet sometimes loss in part; heaviness; dullness of mind, yet clever and prosperous in money transactions.
Mercury (communication) is in Virgo (material abundance) in the astrological decan signified by this Ten.
This morning the card reminded me of these words from St. Mark’s Gospel. “What profit a man to gain the whole world and lose his soul?”
At the end of our earthly journeys, where do we go? What do we take with us?
Jackson Browne’s lyric comes to mind.
When we come to the place where the road and the sky collide
Throw me over the edge and let my spirit glide
At the end, wherever we go, may our spirits glide. May we carry with us a good state of mind, and be at peace of heart.
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