Round and Round
The Six of Cups is the card of memories and cycles.
Pitisci has sixes as “perseverance” and cups, of course, are the suit of the heart.
Ben-Dov has this one as continuity, a long-term relationship or alliance, and repetition across different generations of a family.
The RWS version depicts a pair of children, playing carefree in the sunshine, surrounded by flowers, with an idyllic home in the background. A traveller (reminiscent of the Hermit) is strolling up the walk to the house. I’ve always thought of it as a representation of happy childhood memories, and “simpler times.”
My mother used to speak often about making memories. Particularly if there was event that didn’t quite turn out as it was expected, she would say that it didn’t matter, because one day we would say “remember that time when the Christmas tree fell off the car on the way home?”
May the things we chose to remember be sweet. May they give us joy, strength and inspiration. And may they never be a cause of limitation or lack.
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