The card turns up as the latest in a long series from the suit of Wands which commenced twelve days ago.
Daily Draw
Here's where I'll be posting notes on my daily card draws, though perhaps not every single day. :)
Daily Draw | Ace of Wands 040621
The Ace of Wands sits atop the Tree of Life in Atziluth, the first “world” (or spiritual plane) of the Kabbalah.
Daily Draw | Eight of Wands 040521
The Eight of Wands turned up four days ago, as well. Three Major cards (Sun, Devil and Fortune) turned up in between.
Daily Draw | Fortune 040421
Life, in this world, is change. To be free, we must find the still point at the center of things, that which is changeless and eternal.
Daily Draw | The Devil 040321
I have long thought of the Devil card as representing two things: lies and bondage. Lady Harris’ not so subtle rendering has prompted a reconsideration.