The Nine of Swords has turned up twice this week, reflecting the general tone of anxiety surrounding the US Elections, and now, perhaps, our prospects moving forward.
Daily Draw
Here's where I'll be posting notes on my daily card draws, though perhaps not every single day. :)
Daily Draw | Five of Wands 110720
The Five of Wands turned up two days ago as well. It arrives again on the day that we finally have a decision on the US Presidential race.
Daily Draw | Queen of Cups 110620
The Queen of Cups represents deep empathy and deeply felt emotions, channeled and transcended by equanimity.
Daily Draw | Five of Wands 110520
Two days out from the 2020 US Elections, this card draw is another with a great deal of zeitgeist in it.
Daily Draw | Nine of Swords 110420
The Nine of Swords is the card of anxiety, nightmares and the “dark night of the soul.”