This card is essentially about using good judgment and following good advice, based on seeing all sides of a situation and considering all of the facts.
Daily Draw
Here's where I'll be posting notes on my daily card draws, though perhaps not every single day. :)
It is through the daily practice of temperance, of remaining in balance in the flow, that we prepare ourselves to weather the fiercest buffets of life.
The Moon
The Moon is the card of things lurking under the surface. It refers to deep emotions, buried treasures, hidden strengths, and alternate experiences of reality.
Daily Draw | Three of Cups
The Three of Cups is the card of friendships, high spirits and celebration. On my Pip Card Cheat Sheet I have it as “community, sharing, creative collaboration.”
Daily Draw | Four of Swords
Let the storms rage outside. We get still. We close our eyes. We watch our breath. We experience a moment’s repose.