The Queen of Wands is the card of charisma, creativity and bright, sun-like energy. She reminds me of St. Brigid, Patroness of smiths, poets, healers and hearths. She is a reminder to bring positive energy, good cheer and confidence to the day.
Daily Draw | King of Coins 043020
He’s popped up now twice in six days, and arrives after the Ace of his suit yesterday. Something about finances or health trying to get my attention
Daily Draw | Ace of Coins 042920
The Ace of Coins represents the seed of manifestation. It denotes potential which has begun to unfold in the material realm. For me, at this time, I think that its message is “stick to the basics.”
Daily Draw | Knight of Swords 042720
As I wrote before about the Knight of Swords, this is the card of charging forward into the fray. The question is whether it should serve as a prompt to action, and an indication that the time is favorable, or as a warning that one is being hasty. Discernment and context are the keys to interpretation.
Daily Draw | King of Coins
The King of Coins (or Pentacles) represents worldly wisdom. He takes a long view of things, planning, patiently watching as conditions develop, preparing to take action at precisely the right moment. This combination of preparation, discipline and will to act is the hallmark of the suit of Coins, and finds its full expression in this King.