As I wrote earlier about the Page of Wands, this is the card of enthusiasm in new endeavors and creative pursuits.
Daily Draw | Five of Swords 042020
This card is an example of a card turning up that I’m having trouble relating to my life, because I’m not aware of even a hint of any of contention or conflict which it represents.
Daily Draw | Ace of Cups
The Ace of Cups is a reminder to keep one’s heart open to the Source which created and sustains us.
Daily Draw | Queen of Swords 041720
I see this Queen as representing the ability to parse through a vast amount of complex information and arrive at a clear analysis, and also the ability to patiently explain the information to others in a clear and direct manner.
Daily Draw | Three of Cups 041520
As I wrote earlier, the Three of Cups is the card of community creativity and celebration. It represents the coming together of hearts beating in sync. This could be in the context of family, work, creative pursuits or the larger community (even the global community).