As I wrote before about the Knight of Swords, this is the card of charging forward into the fray. The question is whether it should serve as a prompt to action, and an indication that the time is favorable, or as a warning that one is being hasty. Discernment and context are the keys to interpretation.
Daily Draw | The Moon 042620
I get the sense that there is something lurking just beneath the surface, waiting to come up and bite.
Daily Draw | King of Coins
The King of Coins (or Pentacles) represents worldly wisdom. He takes a long view of things, planning, patiently watching as conditions develop, preparing to take action at precisely the right moment. This combination of preparation, discipline and will to act is the hallmark of the suit of Coins, and finds its full expression in this King.
The Lover
Looking at The Lover card this morning during my daily draw, these words from the Book of Genesis came to mind. “Therefore shall a man leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife: and they shall be one flesh.”
Daily Draw | Page of Wands 042320
As I wrote earlier about the Page of Wands, this is the card of enthusiasm in new endeavors and creative pursuits.