The Ten of Wands represents the completion of a cycle in the dimension of our life having to do with spirit, meaning and passion. It could be the culmination of a “labor of love” project or a spiritual endeavor.
Daily Draw | The World 031321
From the depths of the quantum sea, we arise like waves. Unto the depths, we must return, soon enough.
Daily Draw | Nine of Swords 031221
In the Marseilles deck the Nine of Swords presents itself as a single sword surrounded by eight others.
Three-Card Thursday 031121
I went live on Facebook with our three-card Thursday, pulling cards for what’s going on, what we can do about it, and what’s to come.
Daily Draw | Ten of Coins 031121
The Ten of Coins repeats from eleven days ago. There is clearly an emphasis on the material and physical dimension at the moment.