Trouble Ahead?
This Five of Swords turned up last Tuesday as well. On that day I was in the midst of a contentious situation, so it made perfect sense to me.
Today, it’s an example of a card turning up that I’m having trouble relating to my life, because I’m not aware of even a hint of any contention or conflict. If we believe that these cards relate in some way to what is going on around us, this might mean that conflict is impending, or is already present without my being conscious of it. Or it might mean that the energy of conflict is present “nearby” in a way that may not ever even touch my life.
Of course, it could also be the case that there’s no connection whatsoever between the cards we draw and anything that happens in the material world, but where’s the fun in thinking that?
Two cards from this suit, the Seven of Swords and the Queen also showed up in an energy reading for the week that I threw last evening.
I have to say that so many Swords at once are a little unsettling to me.
Here are my previous posts about the particular card from today’s draw.
From March 10th: Daily Draw | Five of Swords
From April 14th: Daily Draw | Five of Swords 041420
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