The Seven of Coins (or Pentacles) is the card of a momentary pause, taking a breather, taking stock.
All of the sevens, for me, have something to do with issues surrounding the individual ego and its relationship to society or the Universe. In Waite’s deck, the Seven of Wands shows someone trying to fend off attackers rising from below. The Seven of Swords depicts someone stealing away from camp with the swords. The Seven of Cups is the card of personal distractions and illusions.
The character on Pixie’s Seven of Pentacles for Waite’s deck is tending a plant. He stops to rest and reflect, and we get the sense that it is his own toil and sweat that has brought the harvest near. But how does this work relate to anyone else? Will he sell the fruit of his labors? Will he share? Will he keep it all for himself? Or is he a wage laborer who works for someone else, and the crop belongs to them?
Ben-Dov has his Seven of Coins as “integrating into a system without losing one’s individuality.”
When this card turns up for me, it prompts a moment of reflection. Am I on track with what I’m trying to accomplish? What is the most important thing I could be doing right now?
I have truly worked hard over the past year or so to pursue a life that is worth living. I have several projects in the works at the moment, and lots of activities competing for my attention. This card turning up this morning is an indicator that the harvest draws near, but that I should take a look at how I can best spend my time in the coming days.
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