The Nine of Staves (Wands), for me, represents the weariness at the end of a long campaign or struggle. Do we have the energy to be faithful to the end?
Daily Draw | Ten of Staves 091920
The Ten of Staves (or Wands) represents the completion of a cycle or process of some sort, having to do with spirit or passion. It may be the culmination of a project, or the end of a season of spiritual practice or development.
Daily Draw | Two of Pentacles 091420
Keep Juggling. You’ve got this.
Daily Draw | Three of Staves 091220
The Three of Staves turned up this morning. The deck’s little white book describes this card thus: “The arrival of good news. The ability to express oneself.”
Daily Draw | King of Wands 091120
The King of Wands is the perfect culmination to the stretch of cards which have turned up this past week, which have been about harnessing desires and aiming them in a positive direction.