Fives represent change, disruptions, disorganization. This Five of Wands, in particular, is the card of confusion and scattered energy.
Daily Draw | Eight of Wands
The Eight of Wands represents progress or advancement of some sort.
Daily Draw | Nine of Wands
The Nine of Wands represents perseverance in adversity, and perhaps a momentary respite as we near the end of a taxing project, struggle or process of some sort.
Daily Draw | The Chariot 050920
The Chariot is the card of self-mastery, control and victory.
Daily Draw | Three of Swords 050820
The Three of Swords has been known as the card of sorrows. In Waite’s deck, it is depicted as three swords piercing a heart. My early notes on the card couched it in terms of the primordial wounds of our lives. For me, it has represented the lifelong stories that I told myself about loss, and it being at the center of everything for me.