Think about the skill, strength and focus that it would take to control a chariot like the one pictured on the number 7 card of the Major Arcana. When the Chariot turns up, it’s an indication that focused and forcible control is either present or required.
Daily Draw
Here's where I'll be posting notes on my daily card draws, though perhaps not every single day. :)
Daily Draw | Knight of Swords
The Knight of Swords is charging into the fray, sword at the ready. He is poised, prepared and mighty. He represents the power of the mind ready to take action.
Daily Draw | Five of Wands 033120
Change comes when we are ready or not. During moments of confusion and turbulence, it’s more important than ever that we keep our own energies focused on the things which are most important to us.
Daily Draw | Ace of Coins
I like to think of this Ace card as representing a literal seed or germ. In the seed is the potential for the full expression of whatever it grows into.
Strength represents the mastery of self, and the power of the spirit with regard to the physical realm.