Holding the scales of justice, the Lord portions out what is due each of us, and what is needed at the moment.
Pip Cards
Daily Draw | Nine of Cups 123020
What if every wish you ever made was granted?
Daily Draw | Eight of Pentacles 122920
Keep Chipping Away at It The Eight of Pentacles is the card of practice. Through a series of massed and also spaced repetitions, we attain mastery. The process is sometimes, though not always, pleasant. If we persist, though, we eventually and inevitably achieve the goal.
Daily Draw | Six of Cups 122820
The RWS Six of Cups depicts an idyllic childhood scene, with the children sharing cups of flowers.
Daily Draw | Five of Wands 122620
The Five of Wands represents diffused energy. It has turned up six times already this year in my morning card draws, twice during the month of November.