When the Eight of Swords turned up this morning, the phrase that came to my mind was “keep faithful watch.” Images of defense, security and protection came to mind.
Pip Cards
Four of Coins
The Four of Coins is a card about stability in the material realm.
Daily Draw | Nine of Cups
The Nine of Cups is a card of abundance. Just look at all of those cups! This is almost a surfeit of blessings, all lined up in neat little rows.
Daily Draw | Three of Swords 052320
The dialectic came to mind when this card turned up this morning. The third sword triumphs over the first two.
Four of Cups
Lean on Your Heart’s Foundation Fours are the cards of stability, security and the status quo. Cups are the suit of emotions. So this card relates to the stability of the family or other long-term group relationships. I think of the Four of Cups as a prompt to appreciate, and rely on, the strength that […]