The Ten of Coins (or Pentacles) is the card of material plenty. It represents abundance, opulence, intergenerational wealth and legacy.
Pip Cards
Six of Swords
The Six of Swords is the card of departure, transition and adaptation.
Seven of Coins
The Seven of Coins (or Pentacles) is the card of a momentary pause, taking a breather, taking stock. When this card turns up for me, it prompts a moment of reflection. Am I on track with what I’m trying to accomplish? What is the most important thing I could be doing right now, and in the coming days?
Daily Draw | Six of Wands 051320
The Six of Wands is the card of winning through working together. It represents achievement as a result of joining together against adversity with others who share the same objective.
Daily Draw | Five of Wands 051320
Fives represent change, disruptions, disorganization. This Five of Wands, in particular, is the card of confusion and scattered energy.